Friday, December 12, 2008

box sliding

Although box sliding is a fun way to get hurt, it is also a fun way of learning about physics. Box sliding requires a hill with an angle. to slide as far as you can to get to the bottom of the hill takes skill and velocity. One must have a high initial velocity before landing on the cardboard to slide down the hill. unfortunately, in this picture, i had velocity but no skill on landing on the cardboard, so i totally wiped out.

also, the acceleration of gravity is the force that sends me downward. the only reason that i come to a stop is because friction makes me accelerate negatively, therefore making me slow down until i finally stop. the friction of grass on the cardboard is higher than friction of cardboard on cardboard, so therefore if i were to slide on cardboard, i would have slid down the hill longer than when i slid down on the grass.

that's enough pain for one day. :) peace.

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