Sunday, September 7, 2008

Driving Physics Facts

Today, while I was dropping my friend off at her house, I saw a cop and it gave me a huge epiphany. This made me realize how much driving had to do with Physics.

When driving, people usually go a faster velocity than the speed limit (which is usually around 25 miles per hour around my neighborhood), but whenever they see a cop, they suddenly start to slow down to have the same velocity as the speed limit so that they do not have to worry about getting tickets. In the process of slowing down, the car goes through a negative acceleration.

Another physics fact about driving is that when you see a stop sign, you also have to slow down so that the velocity of the car will reach 0 mph, causing the car to go through negative acceleration.

That's enough Physics facts for today. By the way, I'm sorry about not having the picture of the cop, but I did not have a camera.

(P.S. The cars in the picture are randomly taken close to my house.)

1 comment:

kohara said...

Cop would've thought you're weird anyway. Is this Kahala? And did you get a ticket?

By the way, I like the links added in and how did you put up the recent updates from other people's blogs? I like that.